captain polo climate academy

Climate Education


That information about climate change needs to reach everyone, regardless of their age or background.

‘The Adventures of Captain Polo‘ is a graphic novel series about the causes, effects and actions to fight climate change around the world.

Climate change can be a scary and confusing topic, so we believe that the best way to share information about it should be as positive and entertaining an experience as possible. It is imperative to instil a sense of hope for a better future as well as a desire to take personal action.

Teachers and parents in particular need attractive, original resources to complement their classroom or home conversations about global warming and what everyone can do about it.

Captain Polo

Based on the hero of the comic book series about climate change, the Captain Polo Climate Academy’s mission is to support and promote climate literacy across all age groups.

We work with climate communicators, educators, parents and children to promote greater understanding of the climate crisis in ways that stimulate discussion, creativity and action.


The Captain Polo Climate Academy currently offers two projects that aim to support schools and parents in their efforts to discuss and teach about climate change.


The Captain Polo Climate Academy offers a growing collection of educational books about climate change. These include a series of graphic novels, children’s picture books and activity books. The books all feature the adventures of Captain Polo.


Join Captain Polo and other characters from his adventures in this simple and fun game about climate change problems and solutions.

Captain Polo’s 10 climate actions

Captain Polo has a very special challenge for you: here are 10 things you can start doing RIGHT NOW to help fight climate change and become a true Climate Hero!


Get in touch if you’d like a chat to discuss different ways of working together.